
The impact of boiler shape on spirit quality during

The impact of boiler shape on spirit quality du...

Gert Bosman

The shape of the boiler of your still has a great impact on the quality of your distilled alcohol. This article explains why it is so and how to get better...

The impact of boiler shape on spirit quality du...

Gert Bosman

The shape of the boiler of your still has a great impact on the quality of your distilled alcohol. This article explains why it is so and how to get better...

Can an Alembic head be upside down...and

Can an Alembic head be upside down...and if so,...

Gert Bosman

Conical alembic heads of stills should not be installed upside-down as it negatively impacts both the quality of the spirits as well as the energy efficiency of your still.

Can an Alembic head be upside down...and if so,...

Gert Bosman

Conical alembic heads of stills should not be installed upside-down as it negatively impacts both the quality of the spirits as well as the energy efficiency of your still.

Beginner Home Distiller Series: Understanding Fermentation

Beginner Home Distiller Series: Understanding F...

Annelize Steensma

Welcome to the exciting world of home distillation! In our first instalment of the Beginner Home Distiller series, we'll delve into the fundamental process of fermentation. Understanding fermentation is key...

Beginner Home Distiller Series: Understanding F...

Annelize Steensma

Welcome to the exciting world of home distillation! In our first instalment of the Beginner Home Distiller series, we'll delve into the fundamental process of fermentation. Understanding fermentation is key...

How to bend copper pipe and tube make your own condensers.

How to bend copper pipe and tube to make your o...

Gert Bosman

Bending copper tube and pipe is easy - Even if you have to do really tight coils.

How to bend copper pipe and tube to make your o...

Gert Bosman

Bending copper tube and pipe is easy - Even if you have to do really tight coils.

Mampoer Championships 2022

Mampoer Championships 2022

Gert Bosman

KULTUUR STOKERS GILDE  MAMPOERFEES 2 JULIE 2022, MET  MAMPOER-KAMPIOENSKAPPE OP DONDERDAG 30 JUNIE 2022.   Inleiding: Ons nooi alle Kultuurstokers en Artikel 116 Stokers in Suid Afrika om deel te neem...

Mampoer Championships 2022

Gert Bosman

KULTUUR STOKERS GILDE  MAMPOERFEES 2 JULIE 2022, MET  MAMPOER-KAMPIOENSKAPPE OP DONDERDAG 30 JUNIE 2022.   Inleiding: Ons nooi alle Kultuurstokers en Artikel 116 Stokers in Suid Afrika om deel te neem...

Sodium Metabisulphite vs. Campden Tablets

Sodium Metabisulphite vs. Campden Tablets

Annelize Steensma

If you are a producer in the food and beverage industry, you are well aware of the importance of working in a clean and sanitary environment to prevent the spoilage...

Sodium Metabisulphite vs. Campden Tablets

Annelize Steensma

If you are a producer in the food and beverage industry, you are well aware of the importance of working in a clean and sanitary environment to prevent the spoilage...