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  • Raw Materials for Fermentation and Distillation: Focus on Fruits

    Raw Materials for Fermentation and Distillation: Focus on Fruits

    Last month, we delved into the world of molasses as a key raw material for fermentation and distillation. This month, we turn our attention to the rich and varied world of fruits. Fruits have long been cherished for their ability to produce a wide range of alcoholic beverages, such as wine, ciders, brandies, mampoer etc. This article explores the role of fruits in fermentation...
  • The History of South African Brandy

    The History of South African Brandy

    In 1672 an assistant cook aboard the Dutch ship ‘de Pijl’ anchored at Table Bay discovered the potential of local grapes and transformed 1164 Liters of Cape wine into 126 Liters of “brandewijn”, referred to as “burned wine” which later became known as “brandy”. 
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